Autor: Robert Miloščić

When you look around the fitness center, you can see people with different body types. Some have long, thin limbs and narrow shoulders, others have broad shoulders, strong necks and are naturally muscular, and others have a round body shape with a higher percentage of body fat.
The ectomorph body type is characterized by a relatively short torso, long arms and legs with thin joints, narrow shoulders, long lean musculature and little body fat.
The goal of training people with an ectomorphic physique is primarily to increase muscle mass. To achieve that goal, it is necessary to use as many basic exercises as possible in training, such as squats, dead lifts, bench presses and shoulder presses.
The number of sets for larger muscle groups should not exceed 15, and the repetitions in working sets should not exceed 6-10.
An ectomorph is a body type that easily overtrains, so there is no need to do more than four training sessions a week.
On a daily basis, a person with that body type needs about eight hours of sleep.
It is necessary to eat higher caloric intake than the one that keeps us at our current body weight from quality proteins and complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, brown dough, oats and buckwheat.
And finally, it is necessary to gradually increase the working weights in the exercises, because stronger muscle becomes bigger and bigger.